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UK polling station
Social democracy will struggle to retain political relevance From John Mills

Social democracy seemed close to being the natural order in 2000. Almost all governments in the western world were in the hands of broadly moderate left-of-centre administrations.

Outside bank
What happens if the economy truly tanks? From John Mills

The government has taken steps to shore up most businesses. But it is becoming clear that the current plans may not be ambitious enough.

Only an exchange rate that suits manufacturing will help the regions From John Mills

More than anything else, the result of the 2019 general election highlighted the huge divide between London and the rest of the UK. Government policy is now heavily focused on trying to close the gap.

How to pay for COVID-19 – ONS data From The John Mills Institute for Prosperity

Labour campaign rally
Labour’s problems run far deeper than Brexit or Corybn From John Mills

Labour’s heavy defeat needs to be set in the context of the difficulties which left-of-centre political parties have experienced well beyond the borders of the UK.

Climate protests
Extinction Rebellion are wrong – capping growth won’t solve climate change From John Mills

It is not only Extinction Rebellion who say the UK should no longer try to get our growth rate up. The Green Party and many others are inclined to agree. But there are very strong reasons for believing that this is not the right approach – even for people worried about the world’s environment.

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