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Tumbling pound coins
Social democrats need to get a handle on the economy – or face decades in opposition From John Mills

In the year 2000, almost all western countries had either social democratic governments or they were run by coalitions with large social democratic components. Now, this is true of hardly a single country in the West. What has gone wrong?

Wind turbines at sunset
Combatting climate change doesn't mean abandoning growth – but it does require tough choices From John Mills

The salience of climate change is growing by the day. It is not going to be very long before the costs of dealing with it start impinging heavily upon both our living standards and our lifestyles.

Bank of England
It’s time to update the Bank of England’s mandate From John Mills

Last month the government published its job description for a new Bank of England governor.

Pound coins
The value of the Pound slipping down is not a disaster From John Mills

What would actually happen if we had a much lower pound is that it would suddenly be worth investing in industry again in the UK.

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“To increase prosperity, growth and equality by putting a more successful economic future at the heart of British political discourse.”