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The home for all research on UK prosperity, growth and equality commissioned by The John Mills Institute for Prosperity.

How to Make the Economy Grow From John Mills

Low growth in the UK – and across the West compared to the East is not inevitable. It has happened because we have strived to achieve the wrong policy goals.

Elephant in the room
The Elephant in the Room: Why UK living standards may be lower in 2030 than today From The John Mills Institute for Prosperity

In his latest book, John Mills tackles The Elephant in the Room, which he describes as the economic policies pursued by consecutive over the last 40 years which has led to Britain deinstruialising on a scale unrivalled anywhere else in the world.

EU flag with one leaving star
Brexit Economics - How to make the UK economy the powerhouse of Europe whatever happens with the Brexit negotiations From John Mills

We have a major problem in our financial relationship with the other EU countries. It would exist whether or not the Brexit vote on 23rd June 2016 had gone the way it did. Furthermore, unless action is taken to deal with it, this challenge is likely to continue to be with us whatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations currently in train. This is a matter which ought to concern all the political parties in the UK as everyone in the country shares a common interest in finding a solution.

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“To increase prosperity, growth and equality by putting a more successful economic future at the heart of British political discourse.”